The Preschool programs at LCA are structured, academic settings designed to develop and equip the children with the basic skills necessary to begin their formal education in the future while maintaining a balance of fun and learning.
Language development and listening skills, including color words, geometric shapes, animals, transportation, countries, health, safety, and manners are some of the subjects taught to our preschoolers. Instruction in numbers, Bible, and music are also subjects the 2 year old children enjoy.
Three-year-old students cover the above listed subjects, only covered in more depth, and exposure to a broader area of subject matter. In addition, 3 year olds are taught the recognition of name, sound, and picture for short vowels and consonants
Four-year-old students are taught basic phonics and reading skills, sounding of letter blends and words containing one – and – two vowels , and reading words with one – and two – vowels. They also learn manuscript writing, forming letters, blends and words; printing their name. A thorough exposure to number recognition, counting, writing numbers, and basic addition facts help round out the academic day. Students are divided into reading groups during the second semester according to their ability.